Site generator change

Posted on 2017-04-12 in update

I've switched away from jekyll to pelican site generator. Migrating content took a bit of time, but as of now all links should be fixed, plus I automated site upload with a few python scripts.

The reason for the change is that I've got fed up with jekyll. I originally wanted to move to github pages, because I thought it would provide a more convenient experience. Well, it turned out jekyll isn't exactly supported on windows platform, and trying to preview a github pages jekyll site locally turns into royal pain (it is necessary to install ruby, ruby dev kit, bundler, nokogiri, bunch of gems, do few extra manipulations on a windows platform, etc).

I got fed up dealing with it, looked for a python site generator (since I already know python), found pelican, and after a bit of tinkering, switched to it. I'll see how this one goes.

Right now the site runs on Flex theme developed by Alexandre Vicenzi, who has my thanks for making it.

This is all.